This blog is an art history experiment for our Italian Renaissance travel course. We hope that you, our visitors, will not only take some time to read about what we are studying, but will ALSO feel free to make comments or ask us questions...especially after we see (most of) these things in person. As we travel, we will offer personal reflections on our experiences. After we fly out on the 17th, follow us as we visit Rome (May 18-20), Florence (20-24), and Venice (24-25). We return on Thursday, May 26...just in time for the holiday weekend.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Dome of Florence Cathedral-Filippo Brunelleschi

Dominates the city of Florence
Consists of rectangular and circular elements
Simplicity and order

Relates more to Gothic vault than hemispherical shape of dome of the Pantheon
Dome is 1/2 as wide as it is tall
4 semicircular exedrae function as buttresses (combination of Gothic buttresses and circular Roman temples)
Columns paired alternate with shell headed niches-ancient architectural membering

Largest dome constructed since Roman Pantheon
Exterior of dome is divided into 8 segments-ribs that articulate cross vaults of traditional Gothic interior
Ribs structurally extend from exterior to interior and provide the basic skeletal structure and stability


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